A more personal look at some of the things I get up to. Check out my website for some of my recent work :-) thanks for your time. www.photograffiti.tv

Tuesday 23 December 2008



merry christmas dave

Monday 22 December 2008

Studio Progress

Hello and a very happy Christmas to you!

Been a pretty busy week over the studio :-) getting really close to finishing now.

Bring on the new year. check out the snapshots below to see whats been going down.

Thanks for your time, have a great xmas and I hope 2009 brings you what you want!






Sunday 30 November 2008

Track Of The Week 2

Another track that has to be shared. check it out 'The 88' - All cause of you

KC & Jay

YO to the O!

The weather here in Wales has gone pretty Ice T over the last couple of days, Here's 2 shots from fridays photo mission with KC and Jay. We got told off for using this red wall as a back ground and after about ten minutes my betteries wouldn't work in the cold, so we had to right it off. A few more photos to come from this series soon...

Bring on the warm studio for cold winter nights :-)

KC & Jay

Saturday 22 November 2008

Track Of The Week

Just felt the need to share this Public Enemy song with you, can't get enough of this the last few days. what a track! I'll be posting a track up each week!

Friday 14 November 2008

Studio Update :-)

H to the ELLO!!

The last couple of months have been wicked, we've done so much stuff over here. Daints been back for the week and we've started building the green screen. it's gunna be huge :-)

Spencer (the man behind alot of the work) has gone in the Marines now, good luck Spence and thanks for all your good work.

So stoked right now, not much longer and we'll be rocking the lights, camera, action!!!

Live the dream... ;-)

studio progress

studio progress

studio progress

Studio Progress

studio progress

studio progress

studio progress

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Cardiff Bay With Faye

Where Waltography at?

Been really busy over the last month working on the studio, it's coming together wicked.

Here are a few shots From a shoot a few months back for a another model portfolio.

Thanks for your time...







Wednesday 24 September 2008

I feel like a builder

H to the ELLO!!

Excuse the poor quality I thought the little compact camera was much better than this, any way never mind.

The walls finished and the desk tops are fitted in the office.

We've had some good fun over the last couple days, the flooring is coming along good and I've got some new skills to fall back on, haha yeah right I'm the dogs body that does what he's told and makes tea for the boys haha.

Thanks to friend and hard worker Little Lee an crew for building the wall :-) and big Richy for the desk tops




Tuesday 16 September 2008

Dirty Goods promo

AyyyYYYY thanks for showing the love,

Amongst all the studio development and my editing computer being broken for a couple of weeks I haven't had time to spit.

Here you'll see some photos from a promo shoot for Newports new electrifying band 'Dirty Goods'

The band wish to remain unseen and only want girls on any artwork and promotional material.

THad good fun on this, as always!

more images from this series coming soon :-)

Richy Walton over and out...

Dirty Goods

Dirty Goods

Dirty Goods

Construction begins


We've had a busy few days over at the studio, things are moving along nicely.

Even I got my hands dirty an enjoyed pretending to be a builder.

We had the joys of 'Porno Pauls' entertainment all day which is always good fun, although he did manage to sleep through severe drilling which amazed me.

Thanks to Spencer, Little Lee and his mate for being work demons, I can't keep up....

studio progress sep16

studio progress sep16

studio progress sep16

Friday 12 September 2008

Slam Studios is taking off.

Hello my good friends.

I've been very busy over the recent months planning the making of a studio with Dainton we have been toying with the idea for a while and decided it just had to be done.

After a good few months of planning and looking for a suitable building for the studio we have finally moved in.

A few things that will feature are a huge green screen with drive in access for shooting cars.

Very exciting times, we've got a good few weeks ahead of us fitting it out.

Keep ya eyes peeled here for regular updates on the progress.

Here's a few photos of the bare shell :-)

Slam Studios

Slam Studios

Slam Studios

Slam Studios

Slam Studios

Slam Studios

Slam Studios

Sunday 3 August 2008

Kill City photo shoot video

I'm so stoked on this little bad boy!

Behind the scenes video of the Kill City photo shoot filmed and edited by the man Dainton.

Check out the website if you haven't seen the photos, WWW.KILLCITY.TV

Good times with good people...

More Skateboarding Videos >>

Thursday 31 July 2008

KC ep release

KC ep realease


Been so busy lately, lots of stuff on the go. Photography crazy right now. Got aload of things I need to post up but just haven't had time to spit.

Here's some photos from a quick KC shoot I squeezed in in the week. KC's got a new ep release out tomorrow. check it out :-)

Tuesday 1 July 2008

KC pt2


Here are some more photo's from the KC photo shoot last week. Had a really cool day with blagging ourselves into a cash & carry a bowling alley's arcade.

We also stopped by Tredegar House which we were later told by a council man that we shouldn't be photographing the building as it is copy righted. It's a good job I didn't care and thought that it was ridiculous. :-)

Any way enough babbling, Thanks to KC for a fun shoot, the people at Macros and the Bowling alley...




I got a load more too which I'm saving for the long and awaited website update :-)

Monday 30 June 2008

KC pt1

Prynhawn da! Good afternoon!

Dress made out of sweets, Blagging access to a cash and carry and KC!

Good fun and lots more to come...



Check out the KC low down at http://www.modelmayhem.com/kittycowell

or check her cool clothing brand at www.myspace.com/distresstoimpress

Monday 23 June 2008


Get your type on, an get over to www.killcity.tv

I was lucky enough to be able to take all the portraits for the site which was really cool.

Had a wicked laugh doing this, real good times.

I will hopefully have a link to a 'making of' video soon, so keep your eyes peeled

 team group white-filtered

Bean 'BAG' Head

Once again due to being stupidly busy I haven't added anything to my blog in a while.

I've got some cool things in the near future and will add some images and info ASAP.

For now though check out bean head in a fullpipe we dug out and skated yesterday :-)

where Bean Head at?

Really stoked that I got the use of a full frame fish finally, thanks Daint!

Monday 26 May 2008

Full of Pipe

Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Check it out.

This Full Pipe was amazing. skated more than taking photo's which was nice for a change.

Full Pipe

Good things come to those who skate :-)

Friday 23 May 2008

Peg Face

He was going for the world record but couldn't handle the pain, haha!

A bit of fun with my brother yesterday....

Peg Face

Thursday 15 May 2008

Pritchard Shreading the Gnarl

H to the ello,

It's been a while since I've posted anything up, I've been pretty busy over the last couple of weeks and have been fully neglecting my blog and website.

I've got loads of stuff to come in the near future and have been working on some Photo's for the new 'Killcity' website lauch that should be up and running for next month.

Last sunday was good fun, me and some friends built a ramp and skated some walls, here's a couple of photo's of Pritch from the session.

Enjoy! :-)

Pritch Wall Ride

Pritch Wall Ride

Tuesday 29 April 2008

the 'Porno Paul' show


Words can't discribe this photoshoot let alone Porno Paul...

Lucky enough It was all filmed and you will know boubt be seeing Paul on a big screen near you shortly.

This was really good fun, I've been laughing for the whole time I've been editing this series of photos,

Haha, I have fun friends. thanks!

PORNO PAUL arghhhh!

If you don't already know him check the Porno Paul low down at: myspace.com/pornospage

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